Monday 11 June 2012

#1: The Weight Of Your Words

Creativity is more often than not, born out of something so simple and the way some people are able to portray their creativity through songs, words or photographs simply astounds me. The way that they are just able to take something as simple as writing words on a chalkboard and bring to life a particular concept they had in their mind is captivating.

Photo by Julie de Waroquier

The photographer who captured this photo has inspired me to be unafraid in bringing forth a darker side of being creative. Brutal simplicity can sometimes carry the message across to touch someone in numerous ways. While some may find this disturbing and unsettling, I find it somewhat beautiful.

The photograph was able to bring forth emotions and depth with the aid of mere words. The brutality of the contorted body emphasized the weight certain words have on different people. While some may interpret different messages depicted by the photograph, this shows that the photographer is able to connect with people of different mindsets and mentalities and that to me is the most intriguing part of this photographer's creativity. 

The photographer plays up on certain words which hints at her own feeling. Words like "alone", "broken" and "never" all hint at what the photographer feels. The word "me" and "fear" painted on the body of the model summarizes and puts into play all that the photographer is trying to put up. The thin body of the model somewhat conveys a different message altogether and I'll leave the interpretation of what it might mean to you readers.

The darker part of a person can truly bring forth some of the most hauntingly beautiful works of art. One very good example would be the works of noted author Edgar Allan Poe with his amazingly haunting poems such as "Annabell Lee" and "The Raven". Despite its darker tone and nature, his works are able to captivate readers throughout the ages as it delves deep down inside and grasps at the very core of what the author is feeling and it is in this way that the readers are able to somewhat have an affiliation with the author. Through his words, he expresses what people feel but are unable to put into words.

The same could be said above the photograph above. What some of us are afraid to say out loud what we may be feeling inside, the photographer does it for us in the form of a photograph. What we might feel when we're at our lowest is laid bare through the works of Poe. And it is through this that I gain the courage to lay on the line whatever I feel in hopes of coming up with new ideas and concepts.

"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before." - Edgar Allan Poe

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