Wednesday 27 June 2012

#4: The Weight Of Time

There are moments when we feel hard pressed for time, times when we feel that the inevitable future is coming nearer and nearer and that we are simply not ready for it. Not ready for the changes that time may bring, unprepared for what may lay ahead, afraid of what might or might not be. At some point in our lives, we all feel the weight of time bearing down on us.

Photo by Julie de Waroquier

Julie de Waroquier depicts the message of the weight of time in a beautifully conceptual and creatively simplistic manner. An oversized clock puts an emphasis on how we are sometimes burdened by time and how we may sometimes struggle with the changes that time brings and though we may try our hardest to fight against it, time waits for no man. The photographer is able to invoke thoughts and emotions and allow each and every one if us to interpret the photograph in our own way.

That huge clock is what draws my attention. I just can't seem to put aside what it means to me. To me, it represents change, changes that we may never expect, changes that we might not know is already taking place. Then, there's the model and how she seems to be trying to push that clock backwards. How many times have we all wished that we could slow time down or even stop time.

Waroquier sets the photograph in a desolate room,with a single model. It shows that there are moments when we have to deal with things on our own, fight our own demons, take time off to figure out who we're and who we're not. Whatever time may bring or wherever it may lead us, all of us are fighting our own fights and that we all have to adapt to change and make the most of what time is granted us.

"You know the great thing, though, is that change can be so constant you don't even feel the difference until there is one. It can be so slow that you don't even notice that your life is better or worse, until it is. Or it can just blow you away, make you something different in an instant." - Kevin Kline, Life as a House

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